The weather here has been less than acceptable. However accept it we must as we can't change the weather. We can change our destination. My destination of late has been indoors due to all the rain. I have realized that I may suffer from SAD-seasonal affective disorder. I need light and lots of it. I can't thrive in an office without a window or work in a basement.(done both) So, with all the gllom and doom of the clouds, I seek out my studio with skylights. I also seem to be attracted to the heatlamps for the turkey brooders like a moth to a flame. The turkeys are in my studio. I have 14-fingers crossed that there are no more losses.
Everyone and everything seem to be moving at a sluggish pace...including my cleaning of fleece and knitting.
I currently have 1 fleece that's almost entirely skirted and needs a few washes. The color is quite unique: 3toned start from taupe brown to chocolate brown to blonde tips. Wonder how that will spin up?? I'm debating on what to do with the fleeces..Sell them? Have them processed? Sell the processed end product? Keep it all for myself?? tough choices....
As I write, the sun is toying to make an appearnace or make us plead to come out for just a little longer.I've also discovered that while sequestered due to weather, I need a camera to take much better photographs for the blog and I could use with a laptop- my very own, nobody, under pain of death touch it, device. All 3 boys, my husband and prodigal son's girlfriend are all trying to use some kind of digital devices and argue about who's next etc...Buy your own I say to them yet I know I will have to pull it out of thin
I am currently knitting a blast from the past. It is the Sunburst Pullover by Norah Gaughan, featured in Interweave Knits Summer 2002!! I remember attempting it once before, but never finished. If it works out, and fits properly, it will only require just over 4 balls to complete!! A very frugal consumption of wool indeed. Should be done this weekend.*(*good intentions lead to.. which is why I don't like to give deadlines)