Yesterday was another very difficult "farming" day. Misty began labor on Sunday but was not progressing as she should. I called the vet Monday am and he gave her some injections to induce hard labor. A few hours later we are performing a c-section to remove 2 dead lambs, a ram and a ewe. I deep seated resentment is what occupies my mind and my heart. All the farming cliches and expressions are not a source consolation in any way.The ewe has been saved but must be retired, To add insult to injury, her fleece has been shaved on her left side which will mean a bit of a mess for shearing day...This is so not what I expected and it always brings about that question: Why?
Why do these things happen? How could God let this happen? What could we have done differently ? etc...
And these questions fall on deaf ears because it does not change the outcome. Instead, I must deal with what is at hand: Life.
On a positive note, after months of sluggish egg laying, we are now finding eggs everywhere! An Easter egg hunt is a daily thing occurrence. Also, things are greening up but still a bit boggy and will remain so as the forecast calls for wet days ahead.
For now, I will be working on some brochures to give out for folks to see what we offer on our farm fro produce and wool. Perhaps a new sheep will be in order....
The farm house

Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Chocolate Lambs For Easter
On the weekend, we moved the ewes over to the pen where the general population is located. I don't trust the rams to not accidentally bash a lamb. So, the gals left and we put Clover in with the boys. Clover will go into season like a regular sheep as she is a cross. Poor Octavia called for her Mom. Well, since she is now 6 months old, you'll see her again when the fence goes up when the ground thaws, when the water all disappears...
All Monday night, the rain came down. Washing away much snow and flooding many fields,interrupting satellite tv service and making a general mess of my yard. not to mention my basement as one sump pump stopped working!!...
It also rained a good part of Tuesday and it was cold. So far for an entire week,we've yet to reach the forecast high temp of the day. There's not much I can do about it but it became a concern to me yesterday when I observed Clarice at morning feed. She was not eating. In fact, she did paw in a corner,did a funny hunch thing and I knew then it was early stages of labor. I checked on her a few times in the morning but it seemed to stress her out. I then decided, she probably did not need my assistance.
After lunch and time to give the sheep their grain, I met Clarice's twins, a ram and a ewe. The boy was dryer so I figure he was born first.
Ewe on left, ram on right. The band across his forehead is a cream brown and they are both a deep chocolate color. |
Now that I have put them in a "jug", I decided to use a heat lamp as the overnight temp did drop below freezing.I aim for success/survival. The lambs were ok this am, so now I have decided on names. Beatrix and Bertram. I thought it fitting to name the ewe after Beatrix Potter as she was a sheep breeder herself: Bertram was her brother's name.
Now we wait on Misty...
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