The farm house

The farm house

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mother's Day on My Terms

This past weekend, I was given the opportunity to work at Alpaca Tracks shop above the Brigadoon restaurant in Oxford Mills.

 I was honestly flattered to be asked to fill in for Kathy and Corinne as they were busy shearing their 50+ alpacas. Because of the number of animals to be shorn, it takes 2 days, ad a few animals from smaller flocks and a few get the picture. It was a delight to be surrounded by such nice fibers and finished items. I now so want my sheep to be shorn!!

Sunday was Mother's Day and because I knew I was to be working, nothing was planned. In fact,I'm quite pleased with not adhering to schedules too rigidly. There is always work to be done: pleasant and not so pleasant. So, plot a few jobs and pending on weather,they get done. Feeding and taking care of the animals takes precedence over all the activities, chores odd jobs that need doing and sometimes it is because of the animals that the list grows.

I am still waiting to hear from the Kemptville Farmer's Market if I will be considered a vendor this year. Less than 2 weeks away from the season launch. I still don't know what day my shearing will be done but I think I will have an open house another day as shearing stresses me out more than the animals...

More big news, I have been on a waiting list for years for the Needler's Retreat.(see Many years ago,I had to give up my spot as 2 of my boys were playing for a city championship football game. I couldn't miss that! And rightly so. They did not win but I accompanied my middle son to the hospital via ambulance for a concussion. So, this year, I have a spot!! Patience requires much practice!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Changes Are A Happenin'

Hi all,

I've created a page with prices for the wool and roving. It is work in progress. I will also be listing a page with other items that are available from our little farm. Things are starting to really take form-business wise!

I am hoping to get some fencing done this weekend-low budget but very functional and only if the weather allows. Poor sheepies are in the barn as the ground is very boggy and it is not great for their little feet. It's not great for the horses either but they can travel a bit further to higher ground. Misty is recovering from her surgery nicely. She now needs to "dry up" as no lambs are nursing I must watch for mastitis. We are halfway through her round of penicillin.

I've had to grab for cardigans lately as the weather is unseasonably cool. My favorite is "Rhinebeck" by Lisa Lloyd. It is huge on me. So,I think it's time to knit myself another and yes,using my very own product. There will be some shameless self-promotion coming up!

This photo was taken from Ravelry and the owner is Chili.