I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year. It's been a long time coming but I don't want it to be the greeting card type of New Year. I want you all to have the New Year you so hoped for and deserve. The New Year that has you excited and energized much like one feels at a good New Year's eve party!
I look back on 2014 and can't help but think of some of the events that took place. We humans rotate towards the negative, almost wired for it so I try to remember the nice things, the pleasant things, the things that keep one going in the face of adversity and disaster. That's all they are. Little things, moments, words that can move a person to overcome whatever roadblock you may face. It is that simple.
When faced with bad situations, like the death of a loved one, a pet, the loss of a job, a failed relationship, we always try to make sense of it all. Again, being human gets in the way. Life goes on. It goes on with an ache in your heart but you are still drawing breath and able to make changes and make a difference in your life and the life of others. My Grandfather told me : "No matter what happens in a day, the sun will always come up in the east and set in the west." Some things we can't change no matter how hard we try. The gift is to accept early on that we can't always alter things, but at least give it a try! It is ok to feel bad but don't let it take over.
It's a bitterly cold day here. Morning chores are done and I can't say how wonderful hand knit wool socks are a on a day like today. the wool socks have helped me get over the brief adversity of being cold. So, folks, try to figure out what small things can help you conquer your big rocks and may you be a t peace with the results.