The farm house

The farm house

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Puddle ducks!

Fall is a beautiful season but a frustrating one. Things you've put off doing now may not get done until Spring. The sun shines and the wind blows. The leaves abandon the trees and become carpeted as the rain beats down on them. That was a description of yesterday's weather. The sun would shine and warm everything up but never stayed out long enough to accomplish anything as the rain fell and fell and fell. The only appreciative crew were the ducks.

Puddle ducks.But not your Beatrix Potter type. The rain created quite a few puddles deep enough in some spots for the ducks to immerge themselves and splash and bathe about in a quite contented state. There a very small puddles left today as the ground absorbed the rain. So I wonder, how will the ducks be in the winter? They were quite noisy this am. They wanted out of their night shelter to play about in the water.
This has me pondering what I will have to do with them for fun in winter yet I've seen mallards live near the Rideau River over the winter when I lived in Ottawa. At least they won't be migrating as they are unable to fly!
Not my ducks but gives you an idea of what I am talking about.
Soon my sheep will be divided into whomever will be bred groups..Still not done cleaning out the barn. windy days make it difficult to burn some of the stuff that I'm taking out of there and I am working solo. Hubby helped out a bit one Saturday..and the calendar pages quickly flip on...

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